I wonder, if the current Tech Right Insurgency seeks "American Monarchy", how should we respond?
I imagine such a system would be technocratic and top-down, rather than Orthodox (in the way Tolkein's writings are, as in, in *essence*) or organic (such as the Brehon laws).
How can we guide society closer to "the organic state"?
It's certainly not beyond the realm of possibility, but I think they'd be much more interested in oligarchy. The problem with a king is he could always recognize his duty to his people, and turn on the oligarchy. But many on the tech right believe that tech has the power to make republicanism obsolete, instead implementing a direct system of voting and citizen input on leaders and legislation. But I digress.
The next article will lean heavily into how we, as Orthodox Christians should be organizing politically based on historical models and current events. I think this blueprint will be something which allows the voice of Orthodox Christians to be heard - without putting the hierarch in the line of fire - while being faithful to the tradition of the church.
Your discussion of the veche system and its equivalents are very interesting to me
I certainly believe in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subsidiarity
I wonder, if the current Tech Right Insurgency seeks "American Monarchy", how should we respond?
I imagine such a system would be technocratic and top-down, rather than Orthodox (in the way Tolkein's writings are, as in, in *essence*) or organic (such as the Brehon laws).
How can we guide society closer to "the organic state"?
Can it be done using technology?
It's certainly not beyond the realm of possibility, but I think they'd be much more interested in oligarchy. The problem with a king is he could always recognize his duty to his people, and turn on the oligarchy. But many on the tech right believe that tech has the power to make republicanism obsolete, instead implementing a direct system of voting and citizen input on leaders and legislation. But I digress.
The next article will lean heavily into how we, as Orthodox Christians should be organizing politically based on historical models and current events. I think this blueprint will be something which allows the voice of Orthodox Christians to be heard - without putting the hierarch in the line of fire - while being faithful to the tradition of the church.